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Video Transfer

Memories last forever but tapes don't. Don't let them permanently degrade in quality and life as time goes forward by not transfering them to DVD. Once your videos reach a certain point, they may be gone forever. Seriously, get them transfered.

What Can We Transfer?

We can transfer many kinds of video to DVD including, but not limited to:

If you have something different from what's listed above, contact us to see if we support it.

Why Transfer?
When videos get transfered to DVD, it turns into a digital format. That means you can view your video as many times as you want without fear of the picture quality degrading. With tapes, most kinds are not only not digital but the tapes themselves are very fragile and prone to break from use and time. DVDs have no moving parts so as long as you take care of your discs, they will last a long time.

Transfer ASAP!

Transfering ensures that picture quality gets preserved in its current state. Transfering does not automatically improve picture quality but ensures the quality is preserved and does not get worse. Get them transfered ASAP!

Our Difference

We use Pro Pioneer DVD Recorders and high quality cables to ensure the best transfer quality possible. All video transfers are done in-house. This allows us to have a much faster turn-around-time and you can sleep soundly at night knowing nothing is getting sent out-of-state.

Custom Titles

At no additional cost, you can have titles for all your video transfers. This title gets printed on the DVD Case, the disc and in the DVD menu. Just write your titles down (neatly) on your tapes or let us know when you come in. If we don't get a title from you, we call it "Memories."

Custom DVD Covers

We can design custom DVD covers for your video transfers. There are many reasons why you may want to do this for things like training videos, promotional DVDs or video that will be distributed. There is no advertising from us on custom DVD covers.


Video Transfer Prices