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Web Design & Development

We can design new websites or update existing ones. We do web work for many clients from a diverse range of fields (not just photography). If you run a business, a web prescence is essential and we can't stress enough how much it can really help you.

New Websites
All new sites are created from scratch (like this one). We don't use templates. That way, you get an original site that meets your needs and matches your business in the best possible way. If you are serious about your business or really want your site to help you, don't go the cheap route. Get it professionally done. We also do a few things that are considered extra. Like placing newly designed sites on the the top search engines and help with setting up your hosting properly with the site and your needs.

Update Existing Sites
We can't stress enough how much you should update your site regularly or at least once in a while. We can update the content of a site, redesign the site so it looks modern or add specific functionality to a site. Whatever the reason to update, you should update your site not only to improve your site over time (because many small changes add up), but give visitors a reason to bookmark your site and come back later.

If your site is not getting as many visitors or not helping you as much as you expected, you should seriously consider updating your site. If you are not sure what you want to update, but you know you should, then we can evaluate your site and update appropriately. Also an important cosideration is to listen to your visitors. Some visitors will voice how they feel could be better about your site or problems they had. In many cases, it is great advice and completely appropriate for a site update.

Search Engines (SEO)
We have had great success in being able to place sites on the top search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN). Placing sites on search engines means more visitors and traffic which means more potential clients. Even when some already know your URL, many will still use search engines to look for your site. If your site is not listed or it is but its not easy to spot, you can easily lose potential clients. If your site does not have as many visitors or the site is not helping you as much as you expected, placing your site on search engines (or improving placement) can really increase traffic, thus potential clients.

Placing your site on search engines does not mean you have to pay monthly for advertising like Google Adwords (but it can help). We work on placing or improving your search engine placement by improving your site's code, structure and content.

Web Hosting
If you are looking for web hosting, we recommend PowWeb (we use them ourselves) because of their excellent support, features and reliability all at a great price.


Pricing on all web services are determined by individual needs as every site and its contents greatly vary. Before starting any web work, you must first schedule a meeting with our web developer to discuss what you would like to do. From there, the pricing can be determined.

Contact the web developer if you are interested in having a site designed for you, want to update an already exisiting site or have any questions or comments about our web services.