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Data Recovery

We rely on our digital pictures to archive our past and preserve our personal memories. Deletion. Re-formatting. Corruption. These problems are our worst enemies in the digital photography age, and yet, happen way too often. We all know how this loss feels, but take a deep breath and relax. Forunately, it's still possible to recover what you lost. We are proud to say that we have had great sucecess at recovery. Even if you shoot in RAW or happen to shoot videos from your camera, they can be recovered. If you need file recovery, don't hold off on it before it's too late. Memories are priceless.

We can recover pictures from many storage devices including, but not limited to:

Please contact us if your device/s are not listed above to see if we support it.


Our Process:
When we recover data from any device, we try to recover everything that is contained in it. That may include other types of files besides pictures depending on how you use it. If you are not looking to recover any pictures, but some other kind of file such as an excel spreadsheet, it's possible. After recovery, we put files back onto the card or burn everything to CD or DVD (whichever is more appropriate).

Trying to recover everything that we possibly can increases recovery success rate and ensures we never miss anything you may have wanted that could have been overlooked.


Higher Rate of Successful Recovery Tip:
As soon as you accidentally (or intentionally) delete anything you wanted, DO NOT use that storage device and bring it in for file recovery as soon as possible. For example, if you accidentally delete a set of images and perhaps a video from your compact flash card, remove that card from your camera and DO NOT use it. If you want to keep shooting, hopefully you brought more than one card. This will increase chances of complete recovery success.

Note: Successfull recovery depends on each situation. If you are not sure if your photos can be recovered or not, we strongly encourage you to try anyways because it doesn't hurt to try. At least some of the files can be recovered and you may be very happy with the end results.


Recovery Prices